maandag 26 april 2010

Never ending story

Dear friends,

I am so glad now! I became yesterday a member  of the ´Church of the Nazarene´ in Vlaardingen, Holland. After my conversion, baptism, going more regularly to the church, taking part in a housechurch of ´the Nazarenes´, it became  a rapid road to this church. All this took only a few months. It was as I was looking at it as an outsider, I did not understand myself, but clearly the Holy Spirit led me through the way I am going now. I am convinced now in my heart that this road is the way I have to go. Learn to listen to the gentle voice of the Holy Spirit, His leading guidence. God is good!
This new life is a  never ending story. Through dead and resurrection of Christ we all got new life, all who believe in Him shall live with Him forever. 
I  testify that  Jesus is  Lord  of my life, I will follow Him and I only can do so through the power of his Holy Spirit. All sins are forgiven and the sanctification of my life started from now on.

God´s grace is incredibly high!

zaterdag 17 april 2010

Lief hebben

'Hebt lief en doe wat u wilt' zei Augustinus al eeuwen geleden, want de liefde gaat nooit in tegen het gebod van God.

Zijn wezen is liefde! Die zelfs zijn eigen Zoon niet gespaard heeft maar voor ons allen heeft overgegeven. 

Laten wij dan lief hebben met woord en daad en zo de wet van God vervullen. Uit genade ontvangen wij dit alles!

Door Hem kunnen wij dat omdat wij een nieuwe schepping zijn, het oude is voorbij gegaan het is allemaal nieuw geworden, en dit alles door de kracht van God die Jezus uit de doden deed verrijzen.

Nu is er perspectief, zouden wij die der zonde gestorven zijn met Hem daarin dan nog leven?

Ons leven is  in Christus verborgen bij God.

vrijdag 9 april 2010


Dear friends,

On sunday the 25th of april I will be added as a member of the church of the Nazarene in Vlaardingen, Holland. In a special member service I will be added to the flock of the Nazarene's.

I will thank the Lord for this very fast development after my baptism. Its an inner knowing to be a member of this church now. The Lord let me always know what to do when I ask Him.

Hope there be a fruitful member and bear fruits fot the whole community. 

In name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who loved me first,
